LPO Offerings

Each Sunday as part of their worship, guests have the opportunity to contribute to our offering fund, which is divided among various projects.

This year we are delighted to support Vision Ouest who want to revitalise the church in what they call the “White Zone” in 5 regions in west of France which includes the Vendee. Currently there is only 1 church for every 27,000 people in this region and some of those are empty Catholic churches. They was to see an evangelical church ratio become 1:10,000 people so every town has a Christian presence.

Visit Accueil | VisionOuest2033 (vision-ouest2033.fr) to find out more.

We ensure that some funds are donated each season to a local charity; usually this is Les Restos du Coeur. The local branch of this national French initiative provides food parcels and meals to the poorest and most needy people in the community. Les Restos due Coeur also receives our excess food supplies and food that will go out of date during the winter.

According to need, we regularly provide grants for people on low incomes to have a holiday at LPO. The grant pays 50% of the holiday cost and a sponsoring church or individual pays the other 50%. The scheme has benefited unemployed people, missionaries and those on benefits, amongst others. See here for more details.

We also support some of our animateurs: these are seasonal children's and youth workers, often venturing into ministry or training following their service with us.

Last but not least, 2024 offerings will help to support the SHH Sponsorship Fund. From 2021 we've no longer been permitted to recruit paid employees from the UK. The core of our amazing team of animateurs have always come from the UK so in future these people will be part of a volunteer team. The aim of the fund is to support student-age Christians who are volunteering at Le Pas Opton so that limited financial resources are not an obstacle to their Christian service. Find out more here.

The fund accepts donations at any time and welcomes those who are willing to give regularly by direct debit.

Offerings are given via the charity Essential Christian. This facilitates Gift Aid reclaims.

Click here to donate to the offering

Donating to the SHH Sponsorship Fund

You can make a difference by supporting the SHH Sponsorship Fund.

The fund provides some income for volunteers, usually students, who serve for four weeks or more in the summer. These people might otherwise need to choose a different summertime job.

Our vision for these animateurs is that they bring godly character, energy and creativity to our kids and youth work, making it a fun and life-changing experience for our guests.

We know that the young adults who fulfil these roles often have leadership potential and are likely to make an impact for God’s kingdom in years to come. We ensure that their time at LPO contributes to their growth and maturing, with plenty of learning opportunities and practical experience.

£11 per month sponsors a young volunteer for a week

£65 per month sponsors a high season children’s worker for their whole summer of serving

You can donate by

  • Making a monthly contribution by direct debit
  • Making a one-off donation online
  • Supporting the Sunday offerings at Le Pas Opton. These offerings are shared between several beneficiaries including the Sponsorship Fund.

To be fully donor-funded, we need to raise about £40,000 each year. Please consider prayerfully about a generous donation that will have a real effect on the life of a volunteer and many guests.

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